Jemima was bored. She pulled out her phone and searched around. She didn't want to waste time scrolling on social media, watching pointless YouTube videos, or playing some mindless game. Her eyes landed on the Sudoku app.
The Sudoku app seemed to be boring into Jemima's soul, and at that moment, she knew that she would never be happy again unless she had solved the hardest Sudoku puzzle in the world, with only a single number filled in1.
And so she got to work. Jemima spent years studying algorithms, covering entire notebooks in numbers and equations, figuring out how she could solve the world's hardest Sudoku puzzle. At last, she was ready. But when she got to the Sudoku-competition-site, all her confidence was shattered. Her competitor was none other than Ju-Ru, the world master of boxes, numbers, and yes, Sudoku.
It was a well-known fact that Ju-Ru had never lost a single Sudoku competition in his life. But Jemima had studied all his techniques. Would she have a chance? The clock started ticking and they got to work filling in boxes and thinking of numbers. But Jemima noticed something off about her puzzle...
When she was close to the end of the puzzle, she noticed that one of the numbers wouldn't go in2. She looked over her puzzle to make sure she had done everything right. "It's all right," she thought to herself. "Ju-Ru is cheating!" She shouted out loud.
When she finally realized this, she knew that she had completed her life's fulfillment, and now all she had to do was to get married to a conservative Christian who was roughly 6’2, and have seven babies.
You could literally just make up the puzzle XD
I’m not sure that Kalmar understands how Sudoku works…
The line about getting married to a conservative Christian is amazing hahha